Paleo Resources

There are many great websites that have recipes and information on the Paleo Diet. Please have fun searching, pinning, and collecting!

Here are four resources that I trust and turn to for information on the Paleo Diet and beyond.

Chris Kresser – He specifically focuses on how what we eat affects us: food allergies, supplements and diet. I especially enjoy when he posts an article, and his readers put him in the hot seat with their comments and questions. His responses are well thought out and very thorough.

Beverly Meyer – I met Ms. Meyer in 2002, at a nutrition seminar in Austin. She was my first intro to Paleo although we didn’t use the word “Paleo” yet. Her lifelong health struggles (including high anxiety) caused her to use her own body as an experiment to learn how to be well. She is dogged in her quest for optimal wellness and shares what she has learned: “food first.”

Mark Sisson – I like Mark’s website for his warrior energy, plus he reminds us of the importance of having fun. Mark is passionate about food, the latest on exercise specifically high intensity interval training (HIIT), and getting plenty of rest.

Danielle Walker – Danielle writes the yummiest, kid-tested (by her own son!) Paleo recipes. Having experienced an autoimmune nightmare, she restored her own health through the “medicine of food.” She is a master at creating Paleo, gluten-free, grain-free and dairy-free culinary delights. I return again and again to her for happy eating ideas and gorgeously designed cookbooks.