Spiritual Awareness through Spiritual Coaching

Have you ever wanted to purposely cultivate the admirable qualities of noble human beings like Mother Teresa, Gandhi or Nelson Mandela? Or be more like the honorable everyday people who show up in your own life?

You know the people I’m talking about. The ones whose traits and behaviors nourish our souls by just being around them. The ones who are committed to taking what life throws at them and adapting rather than becoming stuck in their woundedness. These are “spiritually intelligent” people who choose to grow intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

According to Cindy Wigglesworth, author of “SQ21, The Twenty-one Skills of Spiritual Intelligence,” “Many people feel great urgency these days around personal growth. This is essentially a good thing as the world we are in and the life conditions we are facing require wiser and more compassionate leaders. Indeed the demands of our planet and our fellow human beings are so desperate that it often seems as if there is simply no time to do the necessary work on ourselves. And yet it is essential that we do our individual work.”

What if you could learn spiritual intelligence skills in an intentional and effective way to reduce the drama in your home, work or relationships? What I am describing here is not about religious or “wu-wu”beliefs, but rather a set of skills that you can use in your process of becoming, changing, adapting, contracting and expanding.

Contact me to learn how we can use my SQ21 training to help your level of spiritual intelligence and how we work together to develop your skills to deepen the spiritual awareness in your life!